Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Arch-nemesis of Elves!

So here it is The ARCH-NEMESIS of the Elves deck:

MBC - The Worst match-up of Elves deck! Your only chance in this match is to kill your opponent before turn 4-5, because after that the Crypt Rats will singlehandedly defeat you :( Try to play Wirewood Herald and Elvish Visionary first to minimize the devastating effect of the rats. If they are careless enough to tap out for Crypt Rats you may be able to kill them with Grapeshot , but I doubt that you will find so stupid opponent in the queues and PE... All you can do post SB is to bring in Wrap in Vigor and pray for extremely fast kill with (Rites of Initiations).

If anyone can give me an advice or two on how to defeat this deck, please leave me a comment...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pesky Elves

So this is my build of the Elf.dec. The deck is ridiculously strong and has only 1 bad-match up - Crypt Rats :( This is the variation from which I started experimenting with Rites Of Initiations, so this is not the final build. Tomorrow or later today, I'll post the worst match-ups and I hope that some of you will help me improve the deck :)

I eagerly await your response!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Burn, Baby, Burn!

This is A Mirror For my Next Article at www.PureMTGO.com

A little bonus for everybody that have already read my article . The FINAL version of the deck :
0 cards

Other Spells
4 Needle Drop
4 Lava Spike
4 Rift Bolt
4 Incinerate
4 Pyrite Spellbomb
4 Thunderbolt
4 Volcanic Hammer
4 Chain Lightning
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Fireblast
36 cards
3 Forgotten Cave
17 Mountain
20 cards


This is my First Entry and is more of a test than anything Else. I hope that you will enjoy it.

The Deck:

The main reason for playing creatureless burn over more traditional builds is that many of the Tier 1 decks have large quantity of creature removal that will be rendered useless! Decks like MBCu (minimum 8 removals MB) and MBC (min 4) have bad match-up vs this deck (before SB) and are the main pray that I targeted with my build. Also as we know Burn decks have really good match-ups vs almost every slow control in general so I think that the current PE meta is the perfect place for this deck to shine. And this is my version:

Next Level Burn
My Version
0 cards

Other Spells
4 Needle Drop
4 Lava Spike
4 Rift Bolt
4 Incinerate
4 Shard Volley
4 Fire Ambush
4 Volcanic Hammer
4 Chain Lightning
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Fireblast
32 cards
2 Forgotten Cave
18 Mountain
20 cards


Card Draw:

Forgotten Cave Needle Drop

2 Forgotten Cave - I'm not sure if 2 is the right number but I think that this one smooths your draws really nice.
4 Needle Drop - I know that some of you think that this one sucks a$$. I know that this is dead draw when you are topdecking but I like how it helps me deal that 1-2 extra damage that I require to win some of the more tied games.

2cc(3dmg) Burn:

Incinerate Fire Ambush Volcanic Hammer

4 Incinerate - Does this one even need a comment? :)
4 Fire Ambush - I usually SB this one for something more relevant to the Match-up.
4 Volcanic Hammer - I usually SB this one for something more relevant to the Match-up.

Sac Burn:

Shard Volley Fireblast

4 Shard Volley - The weakest card in my build. I'll appreciate a suggestion for substitutes for this slot.
4 Fireblast - "Kill, kill, kill! Die, die, die! " - Ling Ling

1cc(3dmg) Burn:

Chain Lightning Lightning Bolt Lava Spike Rift Bolt

4 Chain Lightning - Just don't forget that your enemy can copy this one.
4 Lightning Bolt - "Extra Crispy" - Blood I
4 Lava Spike - Wow, commenting on burn deck cards is really tough - THEY ARE THE SAME :)
4 Rift Bolt - I love when I have one of these and Needle Drop :) They are like best buddies.


Pyroblast Smash to Smithereens Martyr of Ashes Flaring Pain

4 Pyroblast - Anti Control and Combo. Enough said.
4 Smash to Smithereens - Affinity hate. Useful in a few other matches too.
3 Martyr of Ashes - Anti aggro.
4 Flaring Pain - If your opponent has White in his deck you should side in this one.

What makes this deck tick?

First I want to point that the deck is fairly easy to pilot and even unexperienced players can achieve really good results with it. But (there is always but :) ) if you want to play perfectly with this one you should be really familiar with the deck. I'll give you a few advice but I think that 10 games with the deck will be worth 10 000 advice.

The most important thing about this deck is that you should treat it like you are playing combo!

Every burn spell is a combo with your enemy's life total so don't waste it on his creatures (unless you are dying).

Which brings us to the mulligans. You must mulligan almost every hand that has more than 3 non-cycle lands or you are may "fizzle" and die before you are able to kill your opponent.

Alternative Builds:

There are many different builds that variate by just 4-8 cards so I'll post a few cards that you should consider if you don't like my choice for the deck:

Shock, Tarfire, Seal of Fire, Firebolt

The match-ups:

You Must Wait until my article get published at www.PureMTGO.com for this part


Before everything else I want to confess something to you guys - I freaking hate this deck! The deck is sooooooo boring to play with and against that I was ready to blow my head off in the end of my testing. Maybe I'm not just a "Burn" type of guy but I won't recommend the deck to players that like different game situations and challenges. But I end my rant here and now.

As I said earlier in the article - in my opinion this deck is really good meta choice. It rapes most of the top tier control decks, has reasonable match with most of the aggro decks (except slivers) and most of the other decks that have strong match vs Burn are not exactly popular right now. The only problem is that it is really vulnerable to heavy hand disruption (as any other combo) and the last winner of PE is Storm Combo so you should expect exactly that in the future - decks that pack insane amounts of discard as opposed to insane amounts of creature removal like now.

Few Random Final Words:

I want to thank and credit my editor/friend/roommate/test partner Ste!
If you think that the builds of some of the decks are suboptimal or plain wrong just show me a link to more powerful / consistent version and I'll check it out! If you thinks that I have missed some relevant match-up just show me a link and I'll check it out :)
Everything that I wrote here is my opinion and I am open to constructive criticism.

" I'm one card short of a full deck,
I'm not quite the shilling! "